Customer service
Don’t worry! Here’s our number: 514 766-4888
Feel free to call us and we will get to your location in no time.
With Excellent Pavage, you can rest assured knowing that a team is readily available to respond to your emergency and solve your small day-to-day problems before they turn into bigger ones. For expert work you can rely on, call upon our services for the following emergency needs:
- Potholes
- Broken sewer or manhole
- Water main breaks
- Broken security bollard
- Damaged concrete sidewalks or curbs
- Damaged paving stones
- Torn off road sign
Or any other emergency!
SOS Potholes: a service that attends to the needs of any good shopping centre manager. Call us! A member of our team will take the time to assess your situation and guide you towards the best solution to your problem.